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Hill Center Brentwood

Hawkins Partners’ Master Plan for Brentwood, a suburb south of Nashville, transformed what had been a heavily car-oriented series of retail areas into a functioning urban core with a Main Street feeling and a central, organizing plaza. First approved in 2014, the plan redefined zoning at the site, calling for 450,000 square feet of retail, restaurant and Class A office space around a large plaza off Franklin Road.  With architects Cooper Cary of Atlanta we saw the first phase completed in 2016.

Our landscape design incorporates numerous sustainable features including rainwater harvesting, bioretention areas, the use of pervious pavement, and access to the adjacent Maryland Farms Park for walkers and bicyclists. Charming bronze sculptures set throughout the outdoor spaces surprise and delight both children and adults. Hawkins Partners continues to be integrally involved in all phases of development as site planning for the next phase – additional retail, an office building, restaurants and an hotel are to be developed.

Brentwood, TN
Project Completion:
16.98 Acres
Excellence in Development - ULI, Nashville
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